Creation: Advent Calendar 2024

Daily Creation-themed Artworks & Audio Commentary
We hope that you have enjoyed our Advent Calendar 2024 on the theme of creation.
We wish you a peaceful and creative Christmas.
The VCS Team, December 2024

Christmas Eve: December 24
Home to Roost

December 23
The Prophetic Artist

December 22
Bearing the Weight of the Word

December 21
Pantocrator Mother of Creation

December 20
Blind Faith

December 19
Pray Then in This Way

December 18
Joys and Sorrows

December 17
In the Beginning was the Word

December 16
Wisdom, Wisdom Everywhere

December 15
The Divinity is in the Detail

December 14
An Unusual Encounter

December 13
Bright Abyss

December 12
Vitality and Power

December 11
‘All Great Art is Praise’

December 10
‘Behold now Behemoth, which I Made with Thee’

December 9
Ordering Chaos with a Spoken Word

December 8
Creative Convalescence

December 7
Not Ours to Sell

December 6

December 5
Life in Abundance

December 4
The Emperor with No Clothes

December 3
Who is Like God?

December 2
Let There Be Life

December 1
Starting Time
In the season of Advent, the Christian Church looks forward to Christ’s second coming—eagerly, actively, and hopefully. It is a season of preparation, and of expectant waiting, for the healing and renewal of the world.
Such looking forward can be enriched by also looking backward, to the original goodness and continuing beauty of the created order. The ‘already’ helps us to imagine the ‘not yet’.
So, it is good to remember the story of creation during Advent, in the context of hope for a renewed and restored world. That is why this year’s VCS Advent Calendar offers a series of artworks and meditations on the gifts of creation, as the Bible celebrates them from Genesis to Revelation.
We live in a world that is far from what it should be, but, for Christians, Advent affirms that as God’s promise and presence came into the world in the coming of the Christ child, out of love for the world, so God will again do a new thing. It gives us a vision for a restored creation where God’s shalom, or peace, reigns.
The VCS Team, November 2024