Video Channel

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Caravaggio's Supper at Emmaus 1601
Caravaggio, 'The Supper at Emmaus', 1601, The National Gallery, London, Photo: © National Gallery, London / Art Resource, NY

Introductory Videos

Two short films on our vision for the Visual Commentary on Scripture.

Trailer for the Visual Commentary on Scripture project (0:52)
Introduction to the Visual Commentary on Scripture (2:57)

Creative Conversations

In these conversations, living artists working in a variety of different artistic media discuss how the Bible and its legacies of visual and theological interpretation operate as a vital resource for their own creativity.

Creative Conversations: Ben Quash with Wim Wenders (16:36)
Creative Conversations: Ben Quash with Katherine Rundell (31:11)
Creative Conversations: Ben Quash with Mark Wallinger (21:43)
Creative Conversations: Ben Quash with Steve Reich (31:35)
Creative Conversations: Ben Quash with Harmonia Rosales (27:42)

Video Exhibitions

In each of these short films a biblical text is explored with the help of three artworks.

Lot's Wife by Unknown artist
Landscape with the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by Joachim Patinir
View from the town hall tower to the south with the allegory of kindness (sculpture by August Schreitmüller, 1908–10), from the series Dresden after the bombardment of 13–14 February 1945 by Richard Peter Sr

Genesis 19:1–29
Lot’s Wife

Belshazzar's Feast by Rembrandt van Rijn
Belshazzar's Feast by John Martin
Belshazzar’s Feast, the Writing on Your Wall by Susan Hiller

Daniel 5
The Writing on the Wall

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci
The Institution of the Eucharist by Ercole de' Roberti
The Last Supper by Sadao Watanabe

Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–25; Luke 22:15–20
The Last Supper

Lamentation over the Dead Christ by Andrea Mantegna
Invisible Mother by Urs Fischer
The Entombment (or Christ being carried to his Tomb) by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Matthew 27:57–61; Mark 15:42–47; Luke 23:50–56; John 19:38–42
The Burial of Christ

The Transfiguration by Theophanes the Greek and workshop
"monument" for V. Tatlin by Dan Flavin
Transfiguration (Cell 6) by Fra Angelico

Matthew 17:1–8; Mark 9:2–8; Luke 9:28–36
The Transfiguration

Sestertius showing the goddess Roma seated on the seven hills (reverse), Head of Vespasian (obverse) by Unknown artist
Babylon, the Great, is Fallen by Robert Roberg
A Harlot's Progress, Plate 1 by William Hogarth

Revelation 17
The Whore of Babylon

Unlocking Christian Art at the Bode-Museum: Jesus Christ

Produced in partnership with the National Museums in Berlin, these short films tell the story of Jesus with the help of treasures from the Bode-Museum.

1. Jesus Christ: An Introduction (8:36)
2. The Annunciation (5:22)
3. The Baptism (5:24)
4. The Last Supper (6:45)
5. The Crucifixion (5:01)
6. Andachtsbilder (5:52)
Welcome from Senior Curator of Bode-Museum Berlin (1:07)

Unlocking Christian Art at the Gemäldegalerie: Jesus Christ

Produced in partnership with the National Museums in Berlin, these short films tell the story of Jesus with the help of treasures from the Gemäldegalerie.

1. Jesus Christ: An Introduction (8:36)
2. The Adoration (4:24)
3. The Baptism (4:35)
4. Miracles (4:41)
5. The Crucifixion of Jesus (4:32)
6. The Dead Christ (5:18)
7. The Resurrection (6:03)
8. Andachtsbilder (5:52)
9. The Last Judgement (6:24)
Welcome from Director of the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin (1:09)

Unlocking Christian Art at the Bode-Museum & Gemäldegalerie: The Virgin Mary

Produced in partnership with the National Museums in Berlin, these short films tell the story of the Virgin Mary with the help of treasures from the Bode-Museum and Gemäldegalerie.

1. The Virgin Mary: Introduction (9:27)
2. The Presentation & The Betrothal (7:11)
3. The Annunciation (4:19)
4. The Visitation (5:12)
5. The Adoration of the Christ Child (6:04)
6. Leave-Taking (4:04)
7. The Virgin at the Foot of the Cross (7:28)
8. The Dormition / The Assumption (9:29)
9. The Queen of Heaven (7:04)
10. Immaculate Conception (5:15)
11. Holy Kinship (4:52)
12. Byzantine Types and their Legacy (5:42)
13. Virgin as ‘Ecclesia’ and Intercessor (8:02)

Interfaith Discussions

At the Bode-Museum in Berlin, a single artwork provides a starting point for an interfaith discussion between members of the three main Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam).

Eve: An Interfaith Discussion at the Bode-Museum, Berlin (19:43)
Abraham: An Interfaith Discussion at the Bode-Museum, Berlin (18:16)

Thematic Videos

Some of the world's most famous artworks are showcased in these films, as academics from different disciplines come together to discuss their relationship with the Bible.

Raphael’s Acts of the Apostles: The Long Reach of his Designs for the Sistine Chapel (29:31)
Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus (7:54)